Today I had an inspiring conversation about Satya, the truthfulness. If we are not honest with ourselves, then we can not be honest with others. I keep thinking about this. How honest am I to me? What is it that I really want? What is important to me? When am I happy? To be honest with myself, what I really want, I sometimes find challenging. Tensions often arise when I think about my actual goals. Because on the way I may encounter old beliefs and thought patterns that prevent me from getting there. The great art is to unmask and reframe them. I can recognize that this is my self-created reality. If I recognize this, I can change it, but I need to really want it. For the moment I am in my comfort zone and a change is associated with efforts. But it’s so worth it because it opens new doors and opportunities. If we break old patterns of thinking, we can create a new life, what we want deep down and what makes us happy and be fullfilled. I’m really looking forward to my coaching sessions in 2019. Because it is incredibly powerful for me to see when people make a breakthrough and shape their lives the way they want and are happy. Curious? Then get in touch.